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Hire developers with the expertise you need

Backend, frontend, full stack, app – no matter what type of developer you are looking for, we at Arizon can tailor a consulting solution that matches the project's needs and requirements. We facilitate the process of hiring developers with the right skills profile.

Senior developers with proven experience

Programming skills usually have a direct correlation with experience. Arizon only places senior developers with at least 8 years of industry experience. We know the value of accessibility, level of experience, specialist competence and cultural matching to succeed in project goals. Hire developers from us who are experts in their field and immediately find their place in the team.


  • Handpicked developers with at least 8+ years of experience

  • Active in the project within a month

  • Cost from SEK 750/h

  • Let your needs rule - hire one or more developers

Do you want to know more? Contact us!

Hire developers based on your changing needs

Do you prioritize the ability to be agile in your project management? Our consulting solutions are designed to be flexible and scalable as needs change over time. Whether it concerns long or short project employment is entirely up to you.

Flexible scalability

Form your team according to the prevailing needs. We give you the opportunity to easily scale up and down your tech team when conditions change. High flexibility is part of our basic offer.

Fast and secure process

Slow processes cost time and resources. Arizon's hiring process is structured to deliver results as quickly and smoothly as possible. Forget time-consuming onboarding procedures and complex security issues—we take care of that for you.

Experts near you

Proximity matters for the ongoing work and the outcome. Language confusion, cultural misunderstandings and time zones can lead to ineffective project progress. To avoid this, all our affordable developers are solely based in Sweden.

Backend developer

What does a developer do?

A developer transforms code into useful digital services and products – for example web, apps and IT systems. The developer has varying specialist skills and is responsible for different layers in the IT structure. Using programming languages such as HTML, CSS and Javascript, the front-end developer focuses on what the user sees, i.e. the presentation layer. The backend developer, in turn, creates the basis of the IT system, what is not visible to the outside, with, for example, Java, .NET, C#. A full-stack developer masters both backend and frontend.

How much does it cost to hire a developer?

Is the project small-scale or ongoing for a long time? Do you need an experienced developer who can handle a high level of complexity? Does it matter where the developer is based geographically? All of the previous factors determine the cost when you hire a developer. Our price for a Sweden-based developer starts at SEK 750/h.

Do you want to know more? Contact us!

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